1412 Broadway 21st Floor, New York, USA.

Social Media Investigation

Our comprehensive social media investigations track down and expose cyberbullies, online harassers, impersonators, stalkers and trolls. As industry leaders, we offer unrivalled expertise and premium custom-built technology to protect you, your brand and reputation. Instead of just blocking trolls, turn the tables and use our social media investigations to turn the spotlight on them. Specialising in exposing offenders hiding behind anonymous fake accounts, our social media investigations use the latest technology to leave no stone unturned. Whether they’re using fake Facebook profiles, unidentified Instagram accounts or other social media, our experienced investigators can help you get justice. Our discreet, effective and reliable service is available to both high-profile clients as well as members of the general public. In addition, we can also provide actionable intelligence and court-admissible evidence for insurance claims, custody battles or other legal cases. Whatever your needs, our social media investigations have you covered.

Tracingia Core Values

At Tracingia our culture comes to life through these five core values:

  • Do the right thing
  • Put our clients first
  • Lead with exceptional ideas
  • Commit to diversity and inclusion
  • Recover and repatriate to the victim.

Cyber Bullying Investigation

Unfortunately, cyberbullying and online harassment in the form of stalking, trolling, impersonation or malicious rumourmongering are pervasive. While it can take many different forms, all are devastating for the victim. For instance, a fake profile might send harassing messages about your alleged indiscretions, threatening to reveal them to the public. Alternatively, someone might set up a profile or page impersonating, slandering and defaming you. Then again, anonymous accounts might post bad reviews of your business to try and ruin your reputation. Finally, you might wonder if the person you’re dating online is genuine or a scammer trying to sell you crypto. Whatever cyber dilemma you find yourself in, we are here to help with our rigorous and comprehensive social media investigations. Our experienced investigators have the tools and capability to deliver vital intelligence to help victims get justice.

Fake or Anonymous Accounts

While connecting us globally, social media also provides new opportunities for ruthless anonymous cyberbullies, creepy stalkers, and vengeful harassers. From defamation to scams, data mining to hate speech, election interference to the spread of misinformation, harassment and cyberstalking, social media has a deeply troubling side, too. One area where this is particularly apparent is the scourge of fake or anonymous profiles and accounts. As detailed in our recent articles on Facebook and Instagram, more than one in ten social media accounts are not genuine. It’s here that we see a clear need for professional social media investigations to unmask and expose bullies and harassers. In addition, we offer specialised services where children are involved and in danger of online grooming by sexual predators.

Fake or anonymous social media accounts are not new. However, despite providers’ efforts to deal with fake profiles, their numbers only look set to grow further. Additionally, police often have bigger fish to fry than chasing individual cases of defamation, bullying, and harassment. And even if a social media platform does act and shuts down a Profile or Page, bullies, stalkers, and harassers often simply set up another one. A game of whack-a-mole ensues but the central task remains unsolved. You still don’t know how to find out who is behind a fake or anonymous account, which is why our expert social media investigations are so desperately needed.

What We Offer

Our tried and tested premium investigative products empower you to act. Most importantly, our reports provide the ammunition needed to stop accounts, profiles, and pages from bullying, stalking, and harassing you. Depending on the investigation, they might confirm the exact identity and/or IP address of the perpetrator. Even when that is not possible, in almost all cases our meticulous reports provide actionable intelligence to take to the police or your lawyer. Our clients have used these successfully to initiate police investigations, confront perpetrators directly or as evidence in court cases. Whatever path of action you decide to go down, our social media investigation gives you the first vital step: premium intelligence.

As the industry leader in the field of social media investigation, Cybertrace uses a combination of technical investigative techniques to find out who is behind fake social media accounts. This includes comparing published content and writing styles used by the fake profile to any individuals identified as potential suspects. Cybertrace has also developed its own highly specialised tools with the capability to deploy through various social media platforms to extract user information, such as an IP address. No other investigators use the same technical tools and the social engineering our investigators deploy to trap stalkers, bullies, and harassers. With a global capability, Cybertrace can identify offenders located anywhere in the world that are hiding behind fake social media profiles.